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Start of training 2024

We are delighted to welcome nine apprentices who started their training with us in August. Börger offers training in nine different professions.

During their apprenticeship, our trainees pass through various departments to gain a good overview of the...


International sales conference in Weseke

This week, our subsidiary managers are paying us a visit. We are meeting for the international sales conference.

In addition to the presentation of new products and hands-on trainings, several workshops and the exchange about interesting markets are on...


New solids macerator presented at IFAT

We presented our new solids macerator “OrbitGrinder” at this year's IFAT in Munich. The feedback from trade fair visitors was overwhelming. We are very proud of our new technology and are very pleased with all the positive feedback.

The OrbitGrinder is...


Börger repeats record turnover of the previous year

Despite relocation and restructuring, last year we were able to repeat the record turnover of 2022.

Managing Director Anne Börger-Olthoff is very satisfied: “We are very proud that, despite relocation and restructuring, we were able to confirm the...


Great honor for young craftsman Adrian

"We celebrate the chamber winner" – under this motto, the Münster Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK) honored the best graduates of the journeyman’s/final examinations from 130 skilled crafts.

We are very proud that our apprentice Adrian was honored as the best graduate in the chamber...


25 years Börger Singapore

In February, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our subsidiary in Singapore. Many customers and long-time partners from the Asia Pacific sales region were our guests.

After an exciting city tour on land and water, the anniversary was celebrated with a festive gala.

We congratulate the...


For the first time, the Börger group ex-ceeds the 100 million euro sales mark

The year 2022 was very successful for the Börger group. With a sales volume of 115 million euros and a growth of 23.5 % compared to the previous year, our managing director Anne Börger-Olthoff is very satisfied: "We are proud to have exceeded the 100 million € sales mark for the first time....


New sales and service partner in UAE

Ready to start.

We are very pleased to introduce IYYM Flow Drive Solution LLC, Abu Dhabi as our new sales and service partner for United Arab Emirates.

They are expert with years experience in the pump industry offering customised solutions and drive technologies. In addition to providing field...


International sales meeting

This week we had a visit from the managers of our subsidiaries. It was nice to meet them in person again.

In addition to the presentation of new products and hands-on trainings, the focus was on the exchange about interesting markets and possible applications of our products.

Especially the...


IFAT - a complete success

After the long corona break, the first major international trade fair started in Munich at the end of May. For five days, trade visitors were able to find out about products from the water, sewage, waste and raw materials management sectors at IFAT. IFAT is the largest and most important...


We continue to grow

In the past year, we were able to achieve growth of 12.9 percent and thus increase our sales to EUR 94.27 million. Our managing director Anne Börger-Olthoff: "We are very satisfied with the sales development and proud of our employees, who made the growth possible despite the difficult...


10 in one go

This batch of ten mobile Bioselect Powerlift separators will be delivered in the next few days.

The Bioselect achieves high flow rates with a very compact design, which makes it perfectly suitable for mobile applications. The Powerlift version of the separator can be extended hydraulically to a...


Seal of approval for Börger

Börger GmbH has been awarded the “Systematic safety” seal of approval by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution (BGHM). Previously, the BGHM checked our occupational safety system very thoroughly.

The “Systematic safety” seal of approval confirms that our company fulfils the requirements...


New pump configurator for our distributors

The BEO pump configurator was developed by us especially for our distributors and subsidiaries. BEO is short for Börger Easy Offer. Thanks to Guided Selling, offers can be prepared easily, clearly and quickly. The intelligent system provides support with the selection of the pump sizes and the...


The new BLUEline Nova Rotary Lobe Pump

The Nova is the new generation of our BLUEline rotary lobe pump.

The development of the high-tech pump has benefited from our experience of more than 30 years in pump manufacturing. With the help of computer flow simulations and physical test bench hours, we were able to improve the pump even...


Großer Preis des Mittelstandes (Grand Prix of Small and Medium-Sized Business)

Last Saturday the award ceremony for the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" (Grand Prix of Small and Medium-Sized Business) of the Oskar-Patzelt Foundation took place in Düsseldorf. As one of six companies in NRW, we were awarded with the finalist prize.

The Großer Preis des Mittelstandes...


New high-temperature test stand

We are happy about the completion of our new high-temperature test stand. Here we are able to test our pumps for the conveyance of fluids with temperatures of up to 300 °C. Future operating conditions are simulated perfectly.

We are one of few manufacturers of displacement pumps, who have such a...


Information Corona-Virus-Pandemic

Dear Sir or Madam,

Due to the unstable situation in the world and especially in Europe regarding the coronavirus pandemic, we would like to inform you that Börger GmbH has already taken...


Great demand for mobile Bioselect Powerlift

The Bioselect Powerlift was developed for mobile applications. The separator is lifted hydraulically to a discharge height of 4.30 m, so that even large dump trucks can be filled easily. 

The entire mobile unit is “Made by Börger”. All components are perfectly matched and can be operated very...


Successful business year 2019

The past financial year was very successful for the Börger Group. We were able to increase sales by 9 per cent to EUR 87 million. We also continued to grow internationally and opened up new regions and markets. Our newly established subsidiaries in Russia and the United Arab Emirates had a very...

Current Trade Shows