Liquid manure storage
Liquid manure storage
Liquid manure storage

For the storage of liquid manure a farmer opted for two Börger stainless steel tanks with a capacity of 2,528 m³ each. By using two storage tanks the farmer is able to reduce the content of phosphorus in the liquid manure by means of a special sedimentation process.
In addition to the high quality of the Börger tanks the customer was convinced in particular by the lasting value as well as the option to increase the capacity of the tanks later on.
Due to current legislation the tanks were equipped with a roof for emission protection. For tanks without a roof retrofitting is possible anytime with ease.
Technical data
Börger | Stainless steel tanks |
Storage medium | Liquid manure |
Total volume | 2.528 m³ (668 gal) |
Diameter / Tank height | 23,16 m (75 ft) / 6,00 m (19 ft) |