Sales, parts and service

Sales, parts and service


As a global company with local reach our sales network enables efficient customer relations.

To find your local sales contact, please click here.

Your Börger Parts and Service Team


Parts Manager

Chris Beseres
Phone: +1 612 435 7305
Fax: +1 612 435 7301
Email: parts(at)


Parts Manager

Jennifer Stepka
Phone: +1 612 435 7331
Fax: +1 612 435 7301
Email: parts(at)


Quality and Service Manager

Kelly Barnes 
Phone: +1 612 435 7306
Fax: +1 612 435 7301
E-Mail: service(at)


Service Manager

Eric Juchemich
Phone: +1 612 435 7352
Fax: +1 612 435 7301
E-Mail: service(at)