Liquid manure spreader
Liquid manure spreader
Liquid manure spreader

A contractor was looking for a pump and chopper for a new liquid manure tanker vehicle. The contractor wanted to use the tanker for collecting liquid manure at his customers to then spread on crops or deliver to biogas plants. The pump was needed for filling the tanker and for the subsequent spreading with a distribution system. To prevent any blockages from large solids in the distribution system, the contractor also wanted to install a solids chopper in front of the pump.
He opted for a Boerger EL 1550 and a Boerger Rotorrake 9000. The compact, space-saving design of the Boerger machines stood out for the customer as well as the high quality and subsequent long service life of Boerger products. The contractor's main priority was to reduce the downtime of the tanker vehicle.
The customer is now extremely satisfied with the Boerger pump and Rotorrake combination. Thanks to the outstanding output of the Boerger pump, the long service life and the ease of maintenance due to the Boerger design, the productivity of the liquid manure tanker vehicle has significantly increased compared to the previous pump and chopping technology supplied by another manufacturer.
Technical data
Börger | Mobile Rotary Lobe Pump + Rotorrake |
Medium | Substrate with solids |
Rated capacity | 9000 l/min (77.85 bbl/min) |
Pressure | 1 - 2 bar (15 - 29 psi) |
Temperature | 20 °C (68 °F) |